The Team

Here at NonToSense, we are a group of passionate neurodivergent individuals using our own experiences, along with the help of the trusty ADHD community, to design and offer free planners to better help you feel cool, calm, & coordinated.

It is our goal to create accessible and flexible products, so that, no matter your organizational preference, these pages can truly become your own.


Heyo, I’m Averie Lia! I am an Artist, Content Creator, and Co-Owner here at Non-to-Sense.

After receiving my degree in business management in 2022 at the same time as getting diagnosed with ADHD, I quickly put my skills to work by developing the brand you know now as NonToSense, along side my best friend Leandra. What started out as a way to fulfill a need for myself has exploded into a passion in providing accessibility for other late diagnosed, neurodivergent adults.

When I’m not doing the whole business thing, you can find me bartending, writing poetry/working on my novel, recording music, or vlogging (among any other hobbies that may currently be sparking my curiosity).

Check me out here, on TikTok, to see what I’m up to.

Pce n’ luv.


Hi there! My name is Leandra Almeida. I am an Illustrator, Graphic Designer & Co-Owner of NonToSense.

Aside from my love of all things visual arts, I enjoy playing the drums, reading books, and watching movies. Thanks to N2S, I get to share a little slice of my design skills here with you. Thanks to my OCD, I get to lose sleep perfecting every aspect and detail of the products I design for N2S.

If you enjoy my art style, have a look through my illustration biz at

Catch ya on the flip side!


Hello humans! I’m Marcio Novelli. I am a Musician, Podcaster, and Co-Owner of NonToSense.

When I am not making music or spreading myself thin across multiple projects, I am running from my demons on nature trails, attempting to meditate with ADHD, concocting nutritious vegan smoothies, playing immersive sims (Deus Ex forever!), and spending quality time with my loving family.

Pull on some headphones, put your feet up, and listen to my music at

Stay awesome!

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